Infants and Toddlers
Your baby or toddler is in the process of making the most dramatic developmental changes that will occur over his/or her life time. He/she might be taking a first step, smiling for the first time, or waving “bye-bye”.
Specific problems we help with:
- Sleep Problems
- How you and your baby can get the most out of spending time together
- Settling techniques
- Unsettled / crying babies (Colic) *
- Concerns you might have about your toddler’s development
- Post natal Anxiety Disorder and Post Natal Depression
*Sudden onset of irritability and crying should not be diagnosed as colic; a specific cause is usually present – consult a medical practitioner first.
*If your baby is unsettled or crying all the time, always consult with an infant medical practitioner first (e.g., Maternal Child and Health Nurse, General Practitioner, Paediatrician, Royal Children’s Hospital) to find out if a medical issues may be the issues.
Therapy and assessment services for infants and toddlers:
- Sleep training interventions including cue-based sleep interventions (non-controlled crying interventions)
- Supportive mother baby counselling
- Developmental assessments
- CBT for post natal anxiety and/or depression
- Home and childcare visits where appropriate