Psychology Services
Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)
Your baby or toddler is in the process of making the most dramatic developmental changes that will occur over his/or her life time. He/she might be taking a first step, smiling for the first time, or waving “bye-bye”. Read More…
Pre-school Aged Children (3-5 years)
The pre-school years are a critical stage of child development. Your child’s current experiences are likely to have a significant impact on their adult life. During this stage, your child will continue to experience dramatic changes in physical growth, as well as his or her ability to learn the social, emotional, behaviour, thinking and communication skillshe/she needs for life. Read More…
Primary School Aged Children (5-12 years)
This group of children is the most diverse group that we work with. We use a developmental perspective in thinking about how to enhance your child’s social, emotional, behavioural, developmental and educational functioning. Read More…
Teenage Years (12 to 19 years)
During this phase of life, a tremendous pace in development that is second only to that of infancy occurs. Besides coping with significant physical changes and sexual maturation, teenagers are faced with key developmental tasks including movement towards social and economic independence, development of identity, the acquisition of skills needed to carry out adult relationships and roles, and the capacity for abstract reasoning. The teenage years can be a time of both disorientation and discovery. The transitional period can bring up issues of independence and self-identity. While the teenage years can be a time of tremendous growth and potential, it is also a time of considerable risk during which social contexts exert powerful influences. Read More…
Group Programs:
Social skills group for pre-schoolers – engages preschoolers through play-based social interactions and preschool activities. We aim to teach skills such as basic attending skills, classroom routines, making friends, greetings, sharing, requesting, play skills, language development. Read More…
Animal Assisted Therapy:
Anita and myself have been trialling Animal Assisted Therapy at the practice with some very pleasing feedback from our families. So much so, the practice is now officially offering Animal Assisted Therapy. Read More…
Other Services:
We offer family therapy, counselling for parents and psychological treatment for young women with eating disorders, personality disorders and/or self-harming behaviour….Read More…